Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This afternoon...

So I have a doctor's appt this afternoon to get my glucose levels checked and I am really nervous about it!! I couldn't sleep last night cause I was worried sick about it!
For all you non-moms out there, the glucose test checks your sugar levels for gestational diabetes (which is pregnancy-related and usually goes away after birth, but if tested positive it can cause a greater risk in delivery or needing a c-section cause the baby is too big. It also raises the baby's odds for low blood sugar when born)...
What I'm really dreading is the drink you have to gulp down beforehand and them drawing my blood to do the test! :( Every time I've drank any of those "medical test drinks" I usually throw it right back up! :( Also, I'm a big wuss when it comes to getting my blood drawn... I don't mind shots as much, but drawing blood usually really hurts and leaves me with a big bruise on my arm for a week!
Since my appt isn't until this afternoon, I've had to really watch what I eat and not eat anything with a lot of sugar... but Sweet Wormie (that's Jeremy- for you folks that don't know his embarrassing nickname I use) has promised me a treat after my appt so me & baby are just trying to be positive and focus on that! :) ...

Then after the appt, Jeremy and I are supposed to go to a nursery decorating class at Pottery Barn Kids... we will probably put a few small things on a registry while we're we have a busy afternoon/evening...

I'll let you all know how the dr's appt goes... Please say a little prayer for us!


  1. Jane, this is so fun! Thanks for sharing the's great to know how things are going for you, and we'll definitely remember to lift you up before your apt. today.


  2. I just love your blog, Jayne. Always makes me smile and its fun to go through this pregnancy experience with you. Love you guys! And thanks again for watching lil busy body this past weekend! Love the pics!-mel
