Monday, May 18, 2009

Bye, bye ankles...

So this weekend, I saw the most horrifying sight...
First let me paint the setting... I had just gotten home from a nice lunch at Cheesecake Factory with my friend Rhiannon (who is also preggers-due July 13th) followed by an AWESOME 1 hour pre-natal massage at Adagio Spa... so needless to say I was quite relaxed when I came home to my sweet husband who was working on the nursery.
He pulled me a chair from the office so I could sit down and a stool for me to prop my feet up with (yes, he is the SWEETEST- I know!)... then I proceeded to pick out paint colors while he called Babies R Us about the furniture we needed to pick up... Jeremy was in and out of the nursery while he was on the phone...
In between paint swatches, I looked over at my feet and saw it... the MOST gut-wrenching thing I have seen so far (and by the way- something tells me its only going to get worse)... Anyhoo... I looked down at my feet and could NO LONGER SEE ANY SIGN OF AN ANKLE BONE!!!... I screamed bloody murder for Jeremy to come back into the room (you would have thought I had seen a snake in the house or something by the way I screamed his name to come help!)... of course he comes running in to see what's wrong and all I could say was "JEREMY! LOOK!-- I DON'T HAVE ANY ANKLES!!" I almost cried as the words came out of my mouth!!
And no people- I am not exaggerating here!... I was all calf & foot... :(
Jeremy of course just laughed and rolled his eyes. He couldn't really comment cause he was talking to the Babies R Us guy, but when he came back and saw what I saw, boy did he just have one "cankle" joke after the next... (he first told me I was being silly and it looked fine, but that's what husbands are supposed to do...) but for the rest of the weekend (especially the rest of that night) I couldn't take my eyes off them! It was like a bad car wreck! I had to keep poking them to make sure it wasn't just a dream...
And to top it all off my foot was incredibly swollen too! My feet looked like two blown-up rubber gloves! :(

I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but I just didn't expect for it to happen so soon! Plus, its hard to see your body changing this way so fast!

Anyway... I'm planning to post some pictures of me soon through out my pregnancy so you all can see my BIG belly! :)... there will, however; be no "cankle" pictures posted...sorry!


  1. ha ha ha!!! so very funny. i'm not there yet but i am sure it is right around the corner.

  2. You are so funny! I remember those days. They were definitly annoying but well worth it!
