Monday, June 1, 2009

My working days are numbered...

Well I had an interesting day at work today...

Jeremy and I finally made the BIG decision that I was going to quit my job and be a stay-at-home mom when Baby Anniston arrives... and today was the day that I told my boss about our decision. I had no idea how hard it was going to be for me to walk away from my career or how scary it was going to be!

Ever since I wanted to have a children, I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom... but when Jeremy and I finally got pregnant {it was a little sooner than we planned :) } ... I wrestled with my decision for months! I knew that's what we both still wanted for our sweet baby girl, but the decision was a lot harder than we thought it would be-for the both of us!

We went back and forth with our decision for a while because of so many different factors...
1. I have a really great job! I love my bank and really like the people I work with. Plus, at my age to have my position is not easy to do... I totally lucked out!
2. I just finished my Bachelor's degree in Business Management a few months ago, so the timing for me to put my career on hold for a few years was not ideal at this time.
3. On top of me just finishing my degree, I have my student loans that we need to start paying back right when Little Anniston arrives.
4. I am such a independent person & such a devoted worker... since I was 15 I have always had a job, sometimes two at a time, as well as gone to school!... so this is a HUGE change for me!
5. With the economy being the way it is now, its not the smartest time to walk away from a great job.
6. Even though we are very blessed to not have any credit card debt, we were still unsure what a comfortable amount of "left-over" money was going to be to get us through each month.
7. My mom is completely against me quiting!

But even with all of these things, we want the BEST that we can provide for our Sweet Little Anniston- and that BEST for her right now is to be with her mommy!!
When I went on a few tours of day care centers- no matter how nice they were, I kept finding myself thinking "No. I want her at home with her things! I want to be the one feeding her and changing her and playing with her everyday!"

So we are planning on me stopping work at the end of July... Baby Girl Anniston is due to arrive August 31st and now that we've gotten this part out of the way, I can truly say I am so excited for her to get here and for me to be nothing more than her mom & Jeremy's wife!

I know what a big change it is going to be living off one person's income (especially for a spoiled little girl like me- who has a little bit of a shopping habit) but I am willing to make sacrifices! ... REALLY!... Plus, with me not working, we are saving a lot of money on gas, eating out for lunch, dry cleaning, and my love of shopping at Ann Taylor & TJ Maxx for work clothes :)

So there you have it... in 8 short weeks the career I've worked so hard for will be on hold for now... but I know the new job I will be starting will be the MOST rewarding I'll ever have!!
So to end this post, I just want to say thank you to my sweet husband! Thank you for being so supportive of me and our growing family! I know you would have been behind either path we chose, but I am so happy about our decision and we are so blessed to have each other! I love you for everything you do for us and how hard you work to provide for our family! (P.S. - I promise to work real hard on staying within our budget! :)


  1. YAY! Congrats! You'll be SO glad you stayed home! Granted you'll have "your days" and you'll certainly miss your job and your "own money" but its SO WORTH IT! I didnt think I'd be able to stay home and when I was able to, it was the best gift ever! Sometimes sacrificing a few trips to the salon are SO WORTH IT!

  2. yay!! Congrats to you Jayne! This is awesome and amazing news for you and i know that will be one loved little girl!

  3. That is wonderful Jayne!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE staying at home with my boys. It is defintely a full time job that you will love! You'll make sacrifices, but they are so worth it. (I'm no longer blonde and now I love couponing and shopping for deals) Your daughter will love you for it!
