"We had eachother, and then we had you, and now we have everything..."
At this point in our hospital stay, I wasn't too miserable yet... I was thinking we would maybe be able to get sent home on Monday... Plus, there was a pretty decent room service menu I could order from 3x a day and the nurses let us have free rein to their ice cream & Popsicle fridge... Little did we know, this was just the beginning!...
Sunday- Early Sunday morning I think is when things started to go down hill a little... I got hooked up to my monitors early that morning after breakfast... the original plan for this day was to transition me to new meds I would be able to take at home for my contractions and put me on bedrest at home, but that morning while they were monitoring me was the first time they noticed Baby Anniston's heart rate drop a little & I was still having contractions. She bounced back pretty quickly, but they were concerned enough to put me back on the monitors more throughout the day.
During lunch, the monitors show Baby Anniston's heart rate dropping again so 2 nurses come running in my room. They said I had to move to Labor & Delivery and start a magnesium IV treatment ASAP... everything was happening so quickly... in no time, I was moved to an L & D room and getting all kinds of monitors and wires hooked up to me.
The magnesium treatment was BRUTAL!!! First, they have to pump it into your system really fast for 30 minutes and then they turn it down. When the mag is in your system, it makes you EXTREMELY HOT!!! We had the a/c in my room turned down to 55 degrees and I had a huge bucket of washcloths soaking in ice water that they were putting all over my body and changing out every 5 minutes or so!... The mag also makes it hard to breath so I had to really concentrate on breathing...
This is me on mag...
While I was on the mag, I was hooked up to soooo many wires and contraptions!! They kept a blood pressure cuff on me that was programmed to take my BP every hour, the baby heart rate monitor & contraction monitor around my waist, an IV, plus 3 other wires stuck to my chest to measure my heart rate & breathing, and another wire thing stuck to my finger! I was freaking out!! I don't even like wearing necklaces or having my sheets tucked in the bed because I have a slight issue with being restricted & claustrophobia so I was dying!!... On top of all that, I had to use a bed pan because I couldn't even walk to the bathroom!! :(... that was definitely an awkward experience!
Monday- I was on the mag for about 10 hours and they had to take me off because I was having a really hard time breathing, having chest pains, & was throwing up! So I spent most of Monday recovering from the side effects... While on it, your not allowed to eat or drink anything!- not even water! I was only allowed to have ice chips, but when I started throwing up, the nurse took my ice chips away :( ... so when I was finally allowed to eat on Monday afternoon, Sweet Wormie got me a smoothie & plate of fries from the cafeteria...
The rest of my time in the hospital is really kind of a blur?!?!... It was a lot more monitoring, meds, no sleeping, oxygen masks, IVs, no showering allowed, hospital food, & bed rest... Somewhere along the line they hooked me up to these fancy booties that filled up with air every few minutes to help stimulate the blood flow in my legs so I wouldn't get blood clots... add that to the 20 other contraptions & wires I was hooked up to all day long... When I was finally allowed to walk to the bathroom, unhooking & rehooking me from all my wires was such an ordeal!
I have day dreams about me & Little Anniston going out to the garden with our matching gardening aprons, gardening boots, & hats to pick fresh produce from the backyard...{Aaahhh, what sweet dreams they are!}... and yes, in my dreams I have a gardening apron on- of course! :) ... something very "Bre VanDecamp" from Desperate Housewives, with the matching gardening gloves too!! That's one of the best parts to having a garden isn't it~ to wear the outfit?! - I'm a believer that there's a perfect apron for every household occasion! :) {Wow! I think I just wrote a jinlge!} :)